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Decoder Clients

Here is a list of decoder clients supported by Airframes.

  • acarsdec
  • dumphfdl
  • dumpvdl2
  • iridium-toolkit
  • satdump-cli
  • vdlm2dec


Acarsdec is a multi-channels acars decoder with built-in rtl_sdr, airspy front end or sdrplay device.


A description will go here. And a link to a decoder specific documentation page.


A description will go here. And a link to a decoder specific documentation page.


Iridium-toolkit is an open-source software application designed to decode and analyze data transmitted by Iridium satellite phones and other devices, and it can be used for both security and research purposes by analyzing the data exchanged between Iridium devices and the Iridium satellite network. It is a powerful tool that can decode and display various types of data, such as voice, text messages, and GPS data.


A description will go here. And a link to a decoder specific documentation page.


A description will go here. And a link to a decoder specific documentation page.


VDLm2dec is an open-source software application used to decode VDL (VHF Data Link) messages transmitted by aircraft.